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Our Reach till September 2018: 950 Teachers; 450 Student Teachers and 440 Children Topics currently offered: Periodic Table, Work & Energy, Force and Newton's Law, Skeleton and Movement, Heat and Temperature among many more...

Our vision

Our VisionChildren are born with a profound desire and capacity to learn. They learn with joy and enthusiasm once their intrinsic tendency to make sense of the world is excited. The primary aim of schooling should be to draw upon this valuable capacity in the young, and offer learning that makes them truly empowered to make sense of life around and ahead of them.

Without such larger goals of teaching-learning, extrinsic motivators like marks, rewards and punishments, future careers, and adult ambitions often work in conflict with the child’s natural tendencies, and damage whatever is the most valuable in a growing human. Add all this to the extreme social deprivation faced by a large section of our children, and we destroy our most valuable resource for future, namely, the potential of our young.

The Foundation believes learning science empowers a human to decipher the world nature gifted her as the most fundamental basis of life   Read More »

  Recent and Upcoming Workshops

Coming Soon...

  What we do

We have begun work with school science education, and hope to move to other areas of school education as we proceed further in our journey.

Joyoflearning_what we doWe believe learning science is possible with joy, stimulation and deep appreciation of natural phenomena for all children. We model this for middle and high school teachers, or student-teachers, in specially designed workshops. The workshops aim at capacity building and are typically 3-5 hours each, on one specific science topic. The challenge of deeper conceptual understanding is as important in these as the joy of doing hands-on science activities and experiments. The workshop progresses with lots of questions, concrete activities, careful observations and analysis-cum-discussions.  Read More »

  Download our Catalogue

JLF Catalogue